UCLA HNCE (Hispanic Neuropsychiatric Center of Excellence)

MEet the team


Tedd Judd, Ph.D., ABPP-CN

Tedd Judd, Ph.D., ABPP-CN is a cross-cultural clinical and forensic neuropsychologist, Distinguished Professor in neuropsychology at the Universidad del Valle de Guatemala, and Visiting Professor in the Social Justice and Cultural Neuropsychology Initiative at UCLA. He has evaluated clients from about 90 countries and has taught neuropsychology in 27 countries, including a Fulbright Senior Lectureship in Spain and two years of teaching and living in Costa Rica. He is Past President of the Hispanic Neuropsychological Society and recipient of their Mentoring in Cultural Neuropsychology Award. He teaches a practicum in non-English cross-cultural neuropsychology. He is board certified in clinical neuropsychology and is a Fellow of the National Academy of Neuropsychology. He has published a book on Neuropsychotherapy and over 20 other book chapters and articles. He received his BA from Princeton, his Ph.D. from Cornell, training in neuropsychology at the Boston VA Hospital, and his postdoctoral training in neuropsychology at the University of Washington.